Harald A. Loe, D.D.S.

The Fifty-sixth President of the IADR


  • Died 9 August 2008
    (In Memoriam J Dent Res 87: 893, 2008
  • Inaugural Address delivered at New Orleans, LA, 28 March 1979:
    “Scientific Revolutions in Dentistry”
    (J Dent Res 58(Spec Iss D):2164-2168, 1979)
  • School of Dentistry, Oslo University, 1952-55, 1959-62
    Norwegian Institute of Dental Research, 1956-62
    Fulbright Research Fellow, University of Illinois-Chicago, 1957-58
    Royal Dental College, Aarhus, Denmark, 1962-72
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1972-74
    University of Connecticut, Farmington, 1974-82, 1994-
    Director, National Institute of Dental Research, 1983-94