Albert E. Webster, D.D.S., M.D.

The Third President of the IADR

1924-25, 1931-32

(Served two full but nonconsecutive terms)

  • Died 5 November 1936
    (In Memoriam J Dent Res 16: 359-360, 1937)
  • Inaugural remarks delivered at Memphis, 22 March 1931
    “brief thanks”
    J Dent Res 11: 449, 1931
  • Farewell Address delivered at Columbus, Ohio, 20 March 1932
    The Value of Research in Dentistry
    J Dent Res 12: 412-414, 1932
  • University of Toronto, 1893-1926 Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, 1915-23
  • Canadian representative, International Dental Congress, 1904
  • President: American Institute of Dental Teachers Canadian Dental Association
  • Editor, Dominion Dental Journal, 1900-1935